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Lauaxeta European Business Baccalaureate Diploma

What is it?

Lauaxeta Business Baccalaureate Diploma (LEBBD) is the Business Baccalaureate of Lauaxeta Ikastola to obtain the EBBD diploma.

LEBBD is focused on to those students who want to study Business. However, LEBBD is open to all the students of Lauaxeta Ikastola, and many subjects and  many aspects of LEBBD´s learning path are interesting for all the students as a learning opportunity. 

European Business Baccalaureate Diploma, is an Erasmus + programme. It´s main objective is to ensure common Business skills for all the students who want to develop their career in Business areas.  

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What is
Que es


Because I want to study business
Because i like to particIpate in european projects 
because i want high LEVEL business preparation
Because beING an entreprEneur makes me happy 
Because i like teamwork
because i want to develop my business skilLs
Para que
What for



LEBBD recommended path 

The Lauaxeta European Business Baccalaureate Diploma looks for students skills development. In this way LEBBD offers  a rich learning path to the students, so that the student can develop a personal and professional  learning path in order to show in his portfolio learning and working evidence required for the LEBBD. 


The student who takes the LEBBD, besides  studying Business area subjects, is recommended to develop as many as projects and learning opportunities as shown below. The student will have to present all the achievements of his LEBBD programe in his/her learning Portfolio.

Starting in Secondary school

- In 1st and 2nd Secondary develop Social Sciences, Geography and History in English. 

- In 3rd and 4th Secondary choose German or French as a foreign language.

- In 4th Secondary choose Economics subject.

- In 4th Secondary participate in the European student exchange programme coordinated from the English subjects.

- In 3rd or 4th Secondary participate in the Protocol workshop in the Talent Workshops period. 

- In 4th Secondary Participate in the European Young Parliament. 

- In July , develop the project "Working practices in companies I" (you have to be 16 or more) 

Starting in 1st Baccalaureate

-Continue/start with French or German and participate in the European student exchange programme for these languages). 

-Study the subject: Economics

-Present an excellent Entrepreneurship project in UDIN programme 

-Participate in UNESMUN project.

-In July , develop the project "Working practices in companies I or II" (you have to be 16 or more) .

-Try to achieve ICT accreditations.

-Try to have B2 level or higher  in English.

-Try to achieve basque EGA accreditation.

-Participate in Volunteer projects. 

-Receive Accounting classes. 

- Continue with French or German and try to achieve A" level. 

- Study the subject Economics II 

- Study the subject Managment. 

-Pass the University Entrance Exam. 

In July , develop the project "Working practices in companies II".

- Try to achieve ICT accreditations.

- Try to have B2 level or higher  in English.

- Try to achieve basque EGA accreditation.

-Participate in Volunteer projects. 

-Receive Accounting classes. 

Starting in 2nd Baccalaureate

LEBBD subjects

To achieve the learning goals the LEBBD certificates, the student must study some subjects. This subjects are organized by course: 

LEBBD Europe

European Business Baccalaureate Diploma for All (EBBD+)


European Business Baccalaureate Diploma (EBBD) was created in a Comenius Multilateral Project in 2010-2013. The diploma responds to the needs of graduates, since their competences vary depending on the country and the student. Because of this it is difficult to find a working life that incorporates these competences and for the institutes of higher education to admit the students. The diploma covers the competences in the area of business and administration but also the skills and competences needed for working and studying abroad. The diploma was developed for young students in school education and several schools are implementing it in six countries. An association EBBD e.V. was established before the Comenius project for the cooperation of business educators and for the accreditation of EBBD programs.

Following the previous project it occurred that also in the adult education, where informal and non-formal learning is validated, there is a need and interest for adopting this kind of diploma. Additionally the feedback from European Commission in the previous project was that the diploma and the accreditation processes are too complicated. This opinion is shared by the schools, which have been accredited.


The project’s main objective is to develop the diploma to suit non-formal and informal learning and simplify the accreditation process. By developing the diploma criteria to be based on learning outcomes and by writing them as competences, the structure of the diploma will be simplified. Additionally other requirements of the diploma will be modified to be more suitable for all target groups.


The competence requirements of the institutes of higher education will be implemented in the diploma’s requirements. The diploma’s development work will also take into account the future needs of working life.

An important objective in the project is the dissemination of the understanding of the competence based learning and the dissemination of the EBBD diploma. Through dissemination and the large network of the partnership the diploma will be widly more recognized by European schools, the students, working life and higher education institutes.

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EBBD Europe

In 4th Secondary

For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.

Subjects for 4th Secondary

Learning path
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